Proper Library
How does Carolyn Ferrell use imagery in Proper Library?

When family people come over and they see me and Ma in the kitchen like that with the words, they say she has the same face as the maid in the movies. She does have big brown hands like careful shovels, and she loves to touch and pat and warm you up with them. And when she walks, she shuffles.
She makes sure you hear her heels clicking all the time, ’specially when you are lying in bed before dawn and thinking things in order, how you got to keep moving, all day long. Click, click. Ain’t nobody up yet? Click. Lazy-ass Negroes, you better not be ’specting me to cook y’all breakfast when you do get up! Click, click. I’m hungry. Click. I don’t care what time it is, I’m hungry y’all and I’m tired and depressed and I need someone to talk to. Well, the hell with all y’all. That’s my last word. Click, click, click.
Proper Library