Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination
What metaphors are used in Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination by Toni Morrison?

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Jill W
From the text:
"Race has become metaphorical- a way of referring to and disguising forces, events, classes, and expressions of social decay and economic division far more threatening to the body politic than biological 'race' ever was. Expensively kept, economically unsound, a spurious and useless political asset in election campaigns, racism is as healthy today as it was during the Enlightenment. It seems that it has a utility far beyond economy, beyond the sequestering of classes from one another, and has assumed a metaphorical life so completely embedded in daily discourse that it is perhaps more necessary and more on display than ever before."
Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination. pg. 63