Peter the Great: His Life and World
What is the theme in Peter the Great: His Life and World by Robert K. Massie?

Religion is another theme in the novel. Religion provides a constant background to Robert K. Massie's PETER THE GREAT: HIS LIFE AND WORLD. The opening chapter, "Old Muscovy," provides the reader with a reasonably full picture of the central role of ritual, faith, and superstition in Russia at the time of Peter's birth. Peter's father, Tsar Alexis, leads a virtual monk's life of prayer and fasting (eight months out of the year in total) while his courtiers eat gargantuan meals. He dies too early for Peter to pick up his habits, but Peter learns his Bible and liturgy and throughout his life is able to quote them and enjoys singing in choirs. For some of his antics, Peter is viewed by arch-conservatives as the Antichrist, but he believes that God has a sense of humor, even if his adherents do not.