Who is The Voice, Oyarsa, Archon, God from Perelandra and what is their importance?

Oyarsa represents the Universal God. He is God of both Malacandra and Perelandra. It is Oyarsa who orders Ransom to Perelandra. He also speaks to the narrator, instructing him to go and receive Ransom back after his year of sojourn in Perelandra. He is the power over all. He is called at times The Voice (when he appears to Ransom as only a voice giving instruction), and Oyarsa (when spoken of as over all planets) and again as Archon. He is compared to God by Ransom on more than one occasion. It is against Him that the Dark Archon, sometimes called the Un-Man, or The Evil One, wages his battle. It is through the power of the Archon that Ransom is able to vanquish the Un-Man to the fiery pit, and to find his way out of the dark valley to the land where the King and Queen are given power over all mankind.