What is the author's style in Perelandra by C. S. Lewis?

Perelandra is told in the first person point of view, as if by a narrator. The reader assumes the narrator is Lewis, because Dr. Ransom names him thus in the second chapter. The story is told as if Dr. Ransom dictated it to the narrator. Most of the story, from chapter three on, is told in the third person, but as if the narrator is telling Ransom's story as he was told it by Ransom himself. In some parts of the story, especially at the beginning, the narrator intrudes on the point of view, as if it is his story to tell. This appears to be done so as to reveal parts of the story that only the narrator is aware of, and also to reveal things about Ransom that might appear as bragging if told from Ransom's point of view.
Much of the story is told from an introspective reference point, yet there is a good bit of dialogue interspersed throughout, which serves to keep the reader focused on the story. Most of the "conversations" with the supernatural beings are not registered as dialogue, but as monologue within Ransom's mind. A lot of the monologue is thoughts of the supernatural beings implanted in Ransom's thoughts.