Peace Child

Peace Child by Don Richardson

how is don Richardson applied the proposition that communication

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Richardson largely writes his story to show the proliferation of redemptive analogies in various cultures. His discovery the peace child provides a common ground by which he may explain his gospel.

This becomes the key for communicating with the Sawi. However, they fail to understand the lessons behind the stories in the bible, but they understand when such stories relate to their own customs. They respond even more when such doctrines fulfill prophecy from their own culture, such as the word of remon, of redemption, that their ancestors sang about for generations. Richardson tells them with excitement that the Bible contains the very words they seek.

In the closing of the book, Richardson describes redemptive analogies discovered by his colleagues in other cultures. They include traditions of rebirth and prophecies of white skinned visitors. These analogies pave the way to sharing the gospel of peace with such primitive and violent cultures.

