What is chapter 23 summary
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In Chapter 23, Pax was hungry again. He had dug up the ham he had hidden and given it to Bristle and Runt but hadn’t eaten any himself. He made another trip to the food tent in the human’s camp. He found a hunk of cheese and ate some himself before preparing to leave with some for Bristle but stopped when he smelled peanut butter coming from the trash can. When he retrieved the jar from the can the lid fell alerting one of the humans. Pax went under a table when a man he recognized came in. It was Pax’s father. He crouched and looked at Pax who had the peanut butter jar clamped in his jaws. He laughed and raised the flap of the tent, motioning for Pax to leave.
When Pax arrived at the spot where he had left Bristle and Runt, the smaller fox was trying to get up. Pax recognized that he needed water. When Runt tried to get up he realized one of his legs was gone. He was able to get up only with Pax helping to support his back quarters. When Runt got his balance, Pax helped him walk to the water. After he drank all he needed Runt closed his eyes to sleep but Bristle woke him indicating he needed to go back to cover. He followed her slowly and clumsily. Both Bristle and Pax were startled by a loud crashing made by a deer in the woods but Runt didn’t notice. The deer tripped a land mine and Runt screamed in fear. Bristle told Pax they had to leave. She called Runt to follow her, but he did not pay any attention. Pax realized Runt could not hear.