In Pax, Chapter Two what do the detail's show about Peter's grandfather? Thank you for helping me if you do.
hi please help me please i just want to know because some times im to lazy to read books.

hi please help me please i just want to know because some times im to lazy to read books.
In Chapter 2, Peter talked to his grandfather about the toy soldiers his father had played with as a child. Peter had found one of the soldiers on his father’s desk and asked to keep it. Pax had taken it over as a toy. Peter pulled a picture out of the tin in which the soldiers were kept and showed it to his grandfather. His grandfather said the picture was of Peter’s father and his dog, Duke. Peter’s grandfather said the two were inseparable. He pointed out the black hair Peter and his father both had and said that the apple did not fall far from the tree.
Peter and his grandfather talked about what time school started the next morning before Peter said he was going to bed. He thought about the way he had to live with his angry grandfather for at least six months while his father was serving in the war. Peter’s father had said that his father had gotten angrier after his wife had died. Peter had seen signs of this same anger in his own father after the death of his mother.