Padre Pio: The True Story
Who is Padre Benedetto Nardella of San Marco from Padre Pio: The True Story and what is their importance?

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Jill W
Padre Benedetto Nardella of San Marco was assigned as Pio's spiritual guide. Nardella was to be one Pio confided in about his spiritual trials, and whose authority over him was absolute. In the beginning, Benedetto was harsh with Pio, demanding that he return to his friary when sickness led him to return home. He encouraged Pio to endure his suffering gladly, and to be thankful that God had given him the opportunity to suffer for others. Pio noted, however, that Benedetto always treated him with respect. He was Pio's confidant, and he was the first to learn about Pio's stigmata. Pio felt comfortable with Benedetto, and he would tell him things that he could tell no one else.
Padre Pio: The True Story