Outpost of Progress
Compare and contrast Makola and Gobila.
from "An Outpost of Progress"

from "An Outpost of Progress"
Also known as Henry Price, Makola is a native man who has been at the trading station for many years. Although he works at the trading station, he despises the Europeans. Makola is an opportunist. He represents people who always see themselves and what they have to gain first. He uses the native people around him, as well as the two Europeans for his own benefit. He doesn't seem to hold any remorse whatsoever, but does whatever works best for him. Makola is involved in a despicable trade. Ivory is traded for the lives of ten native men at the trading station, and one man is killed.
Gobila is a native chief from a neighboring village. His hair is gray and he is dressed in a white loincloth and a shabby panther skin. Gobila is innocent, trusting and good-hearted. He is also a magical thinker. He believes that the white man is immortal. Gobila supports the two men at the trading station, but he is wary of their supernatural abilities. He remains convinced that the dead predecessor of Kayerts and Carlier is going to rise up out of his grave one day.
Outpost of Progress