Out of the Dust
Out of the Dust
Does Billie Jo think she'll be just like her father if she stays?

Does Billie Jo think she'll be just like her father if she stays?
In a way, yes, she does. Billy Jo wants something more than the farm, and the land, and the tough times. She's afraid that if she stays, she will never leave. She is also afraid of being sent away.... of losing the sense of community she has at home. In the end, Billy Jo does leave, but her absence is short-lived, and she soon turns around for home. She tells her father that he is like the sod, rooted and solid. She, on the other hand, is like wheat..... she can grow, but only if she gets the care and love she needs. In the end, Billy Jo and her father realize that they need each other.... they learn to forgive, not only each other, but themselves. I think that she comes to understand being like her father isn't such a bad thing after all.
Out of the Dust