Other Voices, Other Rooms

Does Joel's dream have a deeper meaning?

他判了自己一句话:他有罪:他自己的双手开始加速判决:磁化,他们发现了一颗子弹,那颗子弹是从山姆·拉德克利夫(Radclif先生,原谅我,请原谅我,我从未打算偷窃)那里偷来的,然后把它插入诺克斯少校的旧印度手枪(孩子,我告诉过你多少次不要碰那个讨厌的东西? - 妈妈,, 现在不要责骂我,妈妈,我的骨头疼了,我火了——好人冷死了,恶人死在了火焰中:地狱的风是蓝色的,伴着发烧的笛花的甜蜜的以太,有角的蛇舌孩子在太阳表面的草坪上跳舞,所有从小偷身上的战利品都像猫罐一样绑在尾巴上,犯罪生活的象征),把子弹穿过他的头: 哦,亲爱的,除了挠痒痒之外什么都没有,哦,亲爱的,现在该怎么办?当瞧!他是他从未想过要再次找到自己的地方:一个秘密的隐蔽房间,在新奥尔良炎热的下午,他坐在那里看着雪在焦灼的八月树上筛选:驯鹿蹄子在街上叮叮当当地传来,神秘先生穿着黑色斗篷,优雅地恶棍,出现在他们身后,骑着最美丽的船一样的雪橇: 它由香味木头制成,雕刻的红天鹅在前面优雅,银色的铃铛像珠子一样串起来,以形成一个帆:摆动,翻滚,它唱出的颤抖的旋律作为雪橇,乔尔在船上,温暖在神秘先生的斗篷的褶皱中,穿过雪深的田野和不太可能的山丘。

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In Part II, Chapter Seven, on the walk to the creek, Idabel and Joel pass through a woods where Joel inquires about a lone grave with a tombstone reading, "Toby, Killed by the Cat". Idabel explains that Toby had been the infant daughter of Jesus Fever and his wife and had died when a cat supposedly sucked the breath from the baby's mouth. Joel's incredulousness launches him into another one of his dream states, this one about death, and Idabel has to firmly rouse Joel from his reverie.

This chapter is symbolic because it marks Joel's coming of age and the reality that he must adjust to the eccentricities of life at Skully's Landing. Joel has a stream of
consciousness dream about death after seeing the baby's grave, which makes him even more melancholy and resigned to his fate. This dream signifies Joel's growing up.

