Orphan Train
Who was: Tyler Baldwin?

Tyler Baldwin is one of Molly's classmates. He comments on the subject of oppressed peoples and angers Molly with his insensitivity.
“EH, I DON’T KNOW,” TYLER BALDWIN SAYS ONE DAY IN AMERICAN History after they watch a film about the Wabanakis. “What’s that saying again—‘to the victor go the spoils’?” I mean, it happens all the time, all over the world, right? One group wins, another loses.”
“Penobscot. I was born on Indian Island. And I just want to say that what happened to the Indians is exactly like what happened to the Irish under British rule. It wasn’t a fair fight. Their land was stolen, their religion was forbidden, they were forced to bend to foreign domination. It wasn’t okay for the Irish, and it’s not okay for the Indians.” “Jeez, soapbox much?” Tyler mutters.
Kline, Christina Baker. Orphan Train (Kindle Locations 2499-2502). William Morrow Paperbacks. Kindle Edition.