Onion John
Onion John
How is Andy's situation as serious as onion John's situation? Why does onion John say that it was "worse trouble than anyone he had ever heard about, as far back in history as he could remember."

How is Andy's situation as serious as onion John's situation? Why does onion John say that it was "worse trouble than anyone he had ever heard about, as far back in history as he could remember."
Andy's situation is as serious as Onion John's because they both disagree about the value of change, specifically, when that change is forced and refuses to respect individual decisions. Onion John is happy with his life.... he doesn't want a new house, he simply wants to be left alone to enjoy the home he has made for himself. Andy, on the other hand, looks forward to taking over the family hardware store..... his dream. MIT, the moon..... those are not Andy's dreams, they are not included in the decisions that Andy will make for his own life. In this, Onion John and Andy share similar feelings.
Onion John