One Thousand White Women
What is the main conflict in One Thousand White Women by Jim Fergus?

In the year 1874, the head of the Cheyenne Sweet Medicine tribe, Chief Little Wolf, journeyed to Washington D.C. with a proposal for President Grant. Dressed in full, colorful Indian regalia, Chief Little Wolf presented his plan to give the government one thousand horses in exchange for one thousand white women. Hoping to end the fighting between the white man and Indians on the American plains, Little Wolf felt that if white women could merge with his tribe and bear children of mixed blood, the new children might bond the two races. Indians and whites would then begin to truly assimilate and learn to live together peacefully. President Grant's wife fainted in shock over the audacity of his daring proposal, not to mention his bizarre and somewhat terrifying appearance. However, in recognition of his peace making efforts, President Grant awarded Little Wolf the Presidential Peace Medal.