Okay for Now

What is the author's style in Okay for Now by Gary D. Schmidt?

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The novel is written in the first-person point of view. The narration is from the point of view of an eighth grade boy, Doug. While the narration comes from Doug, he has short monologues where he speaks directly to the audience. The narrator is telling the story as it unfolds, but he also gives insight to the past and things that have happened that has brought the family to where they are today.

The point of view of this novel provides an intimate point of view to allow the audience to connect closely with the main character, who also happens to be the narrator of the story. The point of view also allows the author to inject his own opinions into the narration and to expand on the events taking place to him and his family members without having to move out of character or interrupt the flow of the narration. For these reasons, the point of view works well with this play and the author's writing style.

