Of Human Bondage
Who is Thorne Athelny from Of Human Bondage and what is their importance?

While working in the hospital, Philip meets a patient named Thorne Athelny. Athelny is a talkative little man who takes an instant liking to Philip. Philip likes Athelny as well and is delighted when Athelny invites him to his home for Sunday dinner after leaving the hospital. Philip finds that Athelny has a wife and nine children at home. Philip instantly becomes a part of the family and greatly enjoys his visits to the Athelny home. When Philip loses all his money and is living on the street, it is the Athelnys who come to his rescue. Although they cannot afford it, they invite Philip to live with them for a time. Athelny also attempts to get Philip a job in the store where he works. This first attempt fails, but later Philip is able to get a lesser job in the same store. Athelny is a good friend to Philip.