Odd Thomas
Who is P, Oswald 'Little Ozzie' Boone and Terrible Chester from Odd Thomas and what is their importance?

P. Oswald Boone is a writer who lives in Pico Mundo. Boone, or Little Ozzie, became friends with Odd while Odd was still in high school. Ozzie was a judge for an essay contest being run at the high school—Odd entered the contest and won. Ozzie was so impressed with Odd's essay that Ozzie made it his mission to encourage Odd to be a writer. It is to Ozzie's disappointment that Odd aspires no higher than to be a fry cook; however, this does not change their deep friendship. Odd looks to Ozzie as a father figure, taking his advice to heart, despite Odd's lack of desire to be a great novelist. After the events at the Green Moon Mall, Odd does take Ozzie's advice and, as a catharsis, writes down the details of the two days surrounding those events.