What Was She Thinking? Notes on a Scandal

What Was She Thinking? Notes on a Scandal by Zoe Heller

Can you suggest some good extracts (appx.300 words) for analysis and commentary in Notes on a Scandal

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An interesting commentary on the novel might include an indepth look at Barbara's obsessive nature. What is it about her that pushes her friends away? Why does Jennifer threaten to call the police about Barbara's actions? Is Sheba really a friend.... or merely someone to manipulate?

In Chapter One, we learn a bit about Barbara's friendship with Jennifer. We learn about her interference in Jennifer's relationship with her boyfriend. We also come to see that she already imagines herself to be Sheba's friend.

In Chapter Ten, Jennifer is also mentioned.... again, in reference to her refusal to allow Barbara to dominate her. In context, this also serves as a problem in Barbara and Sheba's friendship, though, Sheba has made it clear that Barbara will not be able to dominate her anymore than she did Jennifer. Although Barbara appears to be happy about Sheba's refusal to be dominated..... she also resents her place in Sheba's life (she is not a priority) and wants to be declared important.


What Was She Thinking? Notes on a Scandal