What is the narrator point of view in the novel, Noggin?

For the most part, and with one notable exception, the story is told from the first person / past tense point of view: specifically, from the perspective of narrator and protagonist Travis Coates.
The notable exception to the book’s overall past tense point of view comes in the epilogue. At this point in the book, after all of Travis’s failed struggles to make his present life as much like his past life as possible, the narration shifts to present tense. The primary value of this shift in point of view is to emphasize / reinforce the sense that Travis is now making a conscious choice to live in the present. Up to this point in the novel, the narrative perspective suggested that everything HAD happened: that it was all in the past, which is how Travis viewed his life. With the present tense epilogue, the narrative perspective suggests that everything IS happening, in the moment: that the present, rather than the past, is now taking focus in Travis’ life as well as in the story of his life.