No Sweetness Here
Who is Chika ?
Who is chika

Who is chika
Chicha (the local "Fanticized" pronunciation of the English word "teacher") is the village schoolteacher and narrator of the story. She holds a unique position as a Westernized person who is living in the traditional Fanti village of Bamso. This narrator's "outsider" perspective on the events and traditions of the village provides the non-Fanti reader with a point of identification. Thus, the peculiarities of local traditions regarding marriage are questioned by this Western perspective. In the beginning of the story, Chicha is visiting Maami Ama at her house, discussing her son Kwesi and her unpleasant marriage. The next day, Chicha goes during her students' recess to observe the divorce proceedings. When she returns to the school, all the children are gone. She finds them surrounding Kwesi, who has been bitten by a snake. After Kwesi dies, Chicha finds Maami Ama in mourning in her home.