what is the authors purpose for writing the book?
specific details on what the authors purpose of writing the book is

specific details on what the authors purpose of writing the book is
I think that slavery and the treatment of slaves is the main reason behind the narrative.There are many references to the slaves as animals throughout the novel. More than likely, this is because imagery echoes back to the idea that slaves are property, less than human. The slaves are most frequently compared to livestock, like horses or cows, which carries the symbolism of chattel. Chattel, defined as an item of property other than real estate, is most frequently used to describe slaves and livestock, so the imagery fits. The reader first sees this parallel when Waller forces John to drive the buggy to the plantation with a shackle around his neck, as if he were a horse. This dehumanization is the same punishment bestowed on Mammy when Waller catches Sarny writing. These comparisons are set up to expose the way society viewed slaves as insignificant.
Readers will also sense the comparison of slaves and animals with the reference to the breeding shed. Not only did masters often sleep with their slaves (which is not mentioned in this novel), they also scheduled the pairing and mating of their slaves. The slaves are mated the same way livestock would be. The strong males are partnered with good-looking females. Female slaves are sent to the breeding shack against their will as soon as they experience menstruation. For the masters, these girls are simply bodies used to breed more slaves. They are viewed as animals and treated as animals. In the master’s mind, there is no distinction.