What is an example of simile in the novel, Nightcrawling?

Mottley uses simile throughout the novel to describe a variety of things. Kiara describes Dee's face: “her cheekbones bob like apples in her hollow skin” (4). The urban environment of Oakland is depicted with similes that evoke the natural world, as when Kiara and Alé take the bus and it “spits us out like the bay spits out salt” (15). In this simile, the city is like the body of water that surrounds it, and its residents move about like the tides, ebbing and flowing from one direction to another. In a moment of joy after a basketball game with Trevor, Kiara says, “The flying moments solidify inside my rib cage like a photo album in the body” (63). This suggests that Kiara feels such a joyful experience in her heart, and that she will carry the memory of it with her forever, like a photograph in an album. When she speaks to her mother on the phone, her voice strikes Kiara “like God climbing out her throat” (72), suggesting that no matter how unreliable her mother has been, Kiara still hopes and believes that her mother will help her and care for her.