Night Probe!

Who is Henri Villon from Night Probe! and what is their importance?

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Henri Villon is an old friend of the Sarveux's. He is also and is also Danielle's lover. Villion is a member of the Liberal party, a member of Parliament, and the minister of internal affairs. He is also the secret head of the Free Quebec Society, and the person who receives the information about the North American Treaty and approves Shaw's mission to blow up the ship. He sends Gly along, presenting him as a Royal Mountie.

Villon is behind the explosion of the shipwrecked Empress, the murder of Guerrier and the assassination attempt on Sarveux. He is also the one who ordered the electrical power shut off to the United States for five seconds. When he is confronted by Sarveux, he resigns. He plans to run for President of Quebec. Villon, along with Danielle, is killed by Gly, who made a deal with Sarveux.


Night Probe!