Night Probe!

What is the author's style in Night Probe! by Clive Cussler?

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The novel is written from the third person point of view with the author being the narrator. Even though there is much dialogue in the novel, it is a third-person narrator telling the story. This narrator describes the various settings and the thoughts and feelings of the various characters. The dialogue of the characters contributes to the descriptions of the action that takes place.

The use of the third person allows the reader to have better information about the story. If the action was in the first person, the knowledge of the readers would be restricted to the knowledge of the character that is telling the story. The reader wouldn't know what was happening in situations where the first person narrator wasn't involved. This is avoided by use of the third person.

The use of the third person point of view is very effective in this type of novel. The author can increase the suspense and intrigue involved by having the reader present at events that the first-person story teller isn't present at, such as the meetings between Villon and Danielle, and Gly's involvement with various characters.


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