Never Let You Go
What is the narrator point of view in the novel, Never Let You Go?

This novel is told by two different first-person narrators. Lindsey narrates the majority of the first part of the novel in order to give background information about her relationship with Andrew. In the second part of the novel, the two women alternate narrating chapters. The same is true for the third part of the novel. The author has the female characters in the novel act as the narrators in order to give the female perspective on abusive relationships. Lindsey gives her perspective as the abused wife willing to do whatever she has to in order to get herself and her child to safety. Lindsey also gives her perspective of what it is like to be afraid of an abusive spouse, even ten years after she has escaped from him. Sophie, on the other hand, gives the perspective of the child of an abusive spouse who was not old enough when the abuse was taking place to remember the abuse or be afraid of her father.