Nervous Conditions
Who is Babamukuru from Nervous Conditions and what is their importance?

Tambu's uncle, brother of Tambu's father and patriarch of the family, called other names by other family members but referred to as Babamukuru by Tambu. Babamukuru is the chief benefactor of the family. He provides food for the Christmas holidays and other family events, to the extent that he sends money ahead of his arrival from England so that Tambu's family can purchase a goat for the homecoming party. In exchange, Babamukuru gets the full thanks, praise and adoration of his family. That goes to the extent that Tambu has been raised to believe that Babamukuru is not human but is some higher being; on some level she believes this to be so. Once, when she needs to talk to him about something, she realizes that it simply cannot be done because she can't bring herself to address him.