Nervous Conditions
How does Tsitsi Dangarembga use imagery in Nervous Conditions?

"He did not like traveling by bus because, he said, it was too slow. Moreover, the women smelt of unhealthy reproductive odours, the children were inclined to relieve their upset bowels on the floor, and the men gave off strong aromas of productive labour. He did not like sharing the vehicle with various kinds of produce in suspicious stages of freshness, with frightened hens, with the occasional rich-smelling goat."
"The food looked interesting, which made me suspicious of it since I knew that food was not meant to be interesting by filling. Besides the rice, there was something that might have been potato: I could not be sure since it was smothered in a thick, white, tasteless gravy. Although I gallantly placed small portions of in it my mouth, it refused to go down in large quantities."
Nervous Conditions