My Name Is Asher Lev
How does Chaim Potok use imagery in My Name Is Asher Lev?

Examples of Imagery:
"To this day, I have no idea what happened then. There was a sensation of something tearing wide apart inside me and a steep quivering climb out of myself. I felt myself suddenly another person. I heard that other person screaming, shrieking, beating his fists against the top of the table. ‘I can’t stand it! I can’t stand it! I can’t stand it!’ the other person kept screaming."
"I could feel lines and and points and planes. I could feel texture and color. I saw the Shabbos candles on the table glowing gold and red. I saw my mother small and warm and silken in a Shabbos dress of pale blue and white. I saw my hands white and bony, my fingers long and thin, my face in the mirror above the buffet, pale with black eyes and wild red hair. I felt myself flooded with the shapes and textures of the world around me."
My Name is Asher Lev