Mrs. Spring Fragrance
How does Edith Maude Eaton use imagery in Mrs. Spring Fragrance?

“The sun hovered over the Olympic mountains like a great, golden red-bird with dark purple wings, its long tail of light trailing underneath in the waters of Puget Sound.”
"I crossed the banks above the beach and came back by the long road. In the green grass, the daffodils were blowing, in the cottage gardens, the currant bushes were flowering, and the air was the wallflower's perfume. I wished Laura; you were with me."
“Mrs. Spring was unaware that Mr. spring, having returned from the city, tired with the day’s business, had thrown himself down on the bamboo settee on the veranda, and although his eyes were engaged in scanning the pages of the Chinese World, his ears could not help receiving the words which were borne to him through the open window.”
Mrs. Spring Fragrance