Mr. Popper's Penguins
Can you give me a summary for Chapter 4?
I am writing for the book, Mr. Popper's penguins.

I am writing for the book, Mr. Popper's penguins.
In Chapter Four, Mrs. Popper discovers her family, and Mr. Popper introduces Captain Cook. Captain Cook leaves the bathtub and begins pecking at Mrs. Popper, who strongly reproaches him. Captain Cook waddles out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, where he pecks at the handle to the refrigerator. The Poppers give him all sorts of food from the fridge, and the penguin purrs in appreciation. However, he leaves for another food source: the goldfish. Before they can stop him, Captain Cook eats the family pets. Mrs. Popper slaps Captain Cook on the head, and he waddles back into the kitchen and squeezes into the icebox. Mr. Popper resolves to renovate the icebox so that it can be a kind of nest for Captain Cook. For now, Mr. Popper takes some ice cubes and places them under Captain Cook, figuring they will be a nice substitute for the pebbles and stones from which penguins normally build their nests.