Mother Night
I need a character analysis of Howard Campbell in Mother Night. How do I get it

Howard W. Campbell, Jr., is the narrator and main character. He was born in Schenectady, New York in 1912. He moved with his family to Germany when he was 11. He grew up to become a writer and playwright. He took a German wife named Helga Noth. He is at heart a rather simple fellow, who loved his wife and his work. During the war and because of his work as a Nazi propagandist, he stuffs his true self deep inside and puts on a façade for everyone. He is so successful at hiding himself, that people only know him as the Nazi he pretends to be. After the death of his wife, Campbell retreats out of the mainstream and begins hiding his physical being, as well. He becomes so tortured by his work with the Nazi's that he is no longer sure who he really is. He discovers that he is only the illusion he has created, and nothing deeper inside matters to the outside world. The only thing real is the world for him is the love he had for Helga. It kept him sane in the insanity that he was propagating. Without that kind of love in his life, it is all just meaningless and for him, life is not worth living.