Moon Over Manifest
What is the setting of Moon Over Manifest by Clare Vanderpool?

The setting of this novel is Manifest, Kansas in 1936 and 1917-18. Manifest is a fictional town based on a real small town in Kansas that the writer has studied intently. The town of Manifest is a coal mine town in which there is a large immigrant population, setting the stage for some of the tensions that fill the plot. At the same time, the novel is set both in the Depression and during World War I, as well as prohibition. This time period is important to the plot because of the impact of prohibition and the war on the people of Manifest in the years in which Abilene's father lived there, but also because the Depression has a huge impact on Abilene's life, leading to her life on the rails with her father and the injury that could have killed her, leading to her father's decision to send her to Manifest.