Mission to Kala
How did the village boys and girls react to Medza's visit?
Mission to Kala

Mission to Kala
From the text:
The village laid siege to me socially from the early morning onwards. First of all there were the young boys. They invaded my uncle’s house loaded with books and slates. They begged me to teach them to read, write, do sums, and understand the pictures in their books. Then came the grown men, who all wanted me to write letters for them. Since my arrival they had all taken it into their heads to place orders with European-style shops. I became their public scribe, scribbling away from morning to night under the absorbed and tireless gaze of an ever-increasing crowd.
Finally, there was the weaker sex ― so weak, in fact, that I never found out just why young girls and women verging on middle age came and stared at me whenever they could manage it. They did nothing else, just stared: it was a simple kind of self-indulgence.
Mission to Kala