
Could someone make a chapter summary for chapter 16 millions by frank Cottrell Boyce

Could someone make a chapter summary for chapter 16 millions by frank Cottrell Boyce

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Chapter 16 — At home, Dorothy is waiting with Eddie. Damian, Anthony, and their father learn that their house has been ransacked, as though the burglars were looking for something specific. When the police leave, Damian’s father reveals the money to Dorothy. He insists they exchange it for euros and spend it because he has worked so hard to provide a good life, only to have criminals ruin Christmas.

Terry swings by to see how everyone is doing, which makes Damian’s father nervous. Upstairs, Anthony tells Damian he thinks Dorothy is still behind everything. In the middle of the night, the man with the glass eye breaks into the house, telling Damian that after the money is exchanged, he will call Damian the following night to give up the money. A short time later, Dorothy herself takes the money and leaves the house.