Marigolds (short story)

How did the narrator react to the marigolds?

How did the narrator react to the marigolds

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Lizabeth remembers the marigolds as a nostalgic part of her youth.... a memory, and a regret. her destruction of the marigolds had nothing to do with Miss Lottie or the marigolds themselves.... she destroyrf them because they were beautiful, and if she couldn't find beauty in her own life..... she wasn't going to let the only beautiful thing in the shantytown remain.

I leaped furiously into the mounds of marigolds and pulled madly, trampling and pulling and destroying the perfect yellow blooms. The fresh smell of early
morning and of dew-soaked marigolds spurred me on as I went tearing and mangling and sobbing while Joey tugged my dress or my waist crying, “Lizabeth, stop,
please stop!”

