Maniac Magee

In Maniac Magee, Chapter 29, describe Maniac's prayer.


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Maniac thanks God for the best meal they ever had, for Grayson being able to read thirteen books, and he prays for the Beales.

He said this grace: "Dear God, we want to take this opportunity to thank you for the best Thanksgiving dinner we ever had. ..well, I ever had. I guess I shouldn't speak for my friend Grayson — " he peeked across the table. "Grayson," he whispered, "is this your best one, too!"

Maniac went on: "And we want to thank you for this warm house and for our own little family here and for Grayson learning to read. We's already read thirteen books, as I'm sure you already know. And one more thing. If you could find some way to let the Beale family know I'm wishing them a happy Thanks- giving, I'd really appreciate it. They're the ones on seven twenty-eight Sycamore Street, in case there's any other Beales around. Amen."

Maniac Magee