Malgudi Days
What is the theme in Malgudi Days by R. K. Narayan?

Overcoming difficulties and perseverance is the main theme of the stories. Many characters in these stories face difficult lives, yet somehow endure. In "A Willing Slave," Ayah, the nursemaid watches over children for many years. She gives her pay away to her relatives. Finally, after 20 years or so, her husband comes back, also from hard work and comes to claim her. Yet, the Ayah, the nursemaid, never complains, and accepts her fate. This type of patience and perseverance is typical of many of the characters, who slave away at jobs for long hours, under bad living and working conditions. Most of these characters are able to overcome their difficult situations due to their belief in God and karma. They feel that if they do their best in their present lives, that they will become closer to the Godhead in the next life, or even be able to merge with the Godhead.