Lord of the Flies
What is the author's style in Lord of the Flies by William Golding?

The novel is written from the third person omniscient point of view. The novel is told through the eyes of several of the lead characters, including Ralph, Jack, and Piggy. The author moves from character to character to tell his story, making the point of view omniscient. By doing this, the author is able to show his story from multiple points of view.
The point of view of this novel works well with the plot because the author uses a narration that allows him to tell the story from multiple viewpoints, giving the reader a well-rounded view of the story. The novel contains many characters, and it is important that the author be able to keep track of them all while telling a complete story. The author does this well by using the third person omniscient point of view to tell the story through the eyes of multiple characters.
Lord of the Flies