Lord of Light

What is the author's style in Lord of Light by Roger Zelazny?

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Lord of Light is written mostly from the point of view of an omnipotent narrator who is relating the thoughts and motivations of all the characters. The story line follows the main character, Sam, but also changes locations to describe conversations and events at which the main character is not present.

Religious and political themes run through the novel, but it is difficult to identify any specific religious or political point of view being expressed. The main character is generally a sympathetic character, but he is also deceitful and sometimes petty. The gods are his primary opponents in the story, but they can be funny and likable, as well. The gods are withholding their advanced technology from the general population, but it seems this is done more out of expedience and convenience rather than as a deliberately "evil" plot. They are quick to anger when challenged, however.

Sam is a trickster figure. He uses deceit and cunning to get his way, but since he appears to be using these techniques toward a greater good, the reader may find them forgivable.

