Life of Pi
What happened to the leopard that escaped from the zoo in Zurich in the 1930s and what does the story illustrate?

In Part I, Chapter 11, Pi tells the story of a female black leopard that escaped from the Zurich Zoo during the winter. Apparently, she and the male she was sharing her habitat with were not getting along. She escaped one night, much to the alarm of the residents of the city. Search parties and dogs tried to find her, but to no avail. She remained on the loose for 10 weeks and was discovered by a farm worker under a barn. He shot her and killed her. She had existed quietly, living off roe-deer, trying to fit in to her new surroundings.
This story illustrates the innate qualities of wild animals. Even when kept in captivity, they retain their ability to survive... note, they must also have an environment conducive to survival. The leopard found food and shelter on her own, but life among humans is dangerous...
Life of Pi