Let Me Hear Your Voice: A Family's Triumph Over Autism
What is the theme in Let Me Hear Your Voice: A Family's Triumph Over Autism by Catherine Maurice?

As the primary focus of the book, autism plays a vital role in the lives of all characters mentioned in the novel. As described, autism is, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - Third Edition, a type of pervasive developmental disorder. This disorder begins in early childhood, and its diagnostic criteria includes impairment in social abilities, communication, and imaginative activities. In addition, those with such a disorder display restricted interest in activities. In addition, there are several other features which can be associated with the disease, such as certain mannerisms, sleep disorders, odd responses to stimuli, and others. Particularly, autism results in a range of behaviors, including extreme aloneness, ritualistic behaviors, speech disorders, delayed onset of speech, and uneven intellectual performance.