Klara and the Sun
why are conversations regarding generic manipulation intense at the interaction meeting
In part 2 at the interaction meeting they talk about genetic mutation a lot at the interaction meeting

In part 2 at the interaction meeting they talk about genetic mutation a lot at the interaction meeting
Genetic editing technology is a prominent scientific advancement in the novel, and the narrative explores the disturbing possible social implications that such technology might have. In the world of the novel, it becomes apparent that genetically edited (or ‘lifted’) children are viewed as superior to non-lifted ones. Lifted children are apparently given first consideration for resources such as education. These dynamics inevitably lead to increased social and economic divisions. Moreover, there appear to be other unforeseen consequences, such as the fact that some children—such as Sal and Josie—become terminally ill as a side effect of the lifting process. In these ways, the novel urges the reader to consider the risks of technological advancement, which must be managed alongside the supposed benefits.