King of Shadows

3.What do you understand about the character of Nat from the given extract . In your answer write about :  What Nat says and does.  What others say about him.  What is your impression of Nat.

London streets, 1599. Roper invites Harry, Nat, and Nick into a noisy street to
watch bear-baiting through an invisible peephole. With the others crowding
round him, Roper has the best view and whispers a fragmented commentary to
the boys below, who don’t see any of the bear-baiting although they hear an
impatient crowd, then the snarling and barking and yelping of hounds and the
bellowing of the bear and the bloodthirsty, wordless cries of the crowd. Nat and
the others watch the reactions of the boys.
Roper It’s a big bear, huge bear. Looks like old Edward. Chain round 1
his neck it’s maybe four foot long. Here comes the dogs – three
of ‘em – like wolves. They’re going at him, jump! Yes, jump!
Tear him up!
Nick What’s the bear at, Roper? [The bellowing of the bear is heard] 5
Roper He’s all foaming at the mouth. Hitting out with his paws. Oh
he swiped that black dog. Slashed his belly open with his claws.
Dog’s guts spilling out all over.
Nat, sickened, turns away from his peephole and stands with his back to the fence. Then
has to look back. 10
Nick What now, Roper?
Roper They brought another dog. Chunky little brute. Now it’s three
dogs working together. Taking turns to jump him. Go for his

Nat reaches across to Harry, who is transfixed by the spectacle At another peephole, and
shakes his shoulder to take a look.
Nat The bear’s blind!
Harry Of course – Blind Edward – they put out his eye, for better
Sport. Oh, look at the blood from that dog!
Voices Blood! Blood! Look at the blood! 20
Nat [Turns back to the audience, seeing his father’s death in his mind].

Blood on the floor, bright red, a pool of red blood, spreading …
[Screams] No! No! No!
Nat rushes away from the bear-pit. Other boys follow Nat and
Nick back to the Globe. 25
Roper Hey, Nat, you babby! You could’ve had us all copped,
Screaming like that! [Roper follows the other boys offstage]

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Nat seems more empathetic and sensitive than the others. He clearly finds the bear bating cruel and sickening.