Key of Valor
What is the main conflict in Key of Valor by Nora Roberts?
The main character in this part of the trilogy is Zoe McCourt. Zoe and her two close friends, introduced in "Key of Light" and "Key of Knowledge," have decided to open a business named Indulgence. Each woman has her specialty.
The story begins with Zoe's history. Zoe was raised by a hardened mother and alcoholic father. When Zoe was twelve, her father took off with another man's wife. Zoe's mother, Crystal, became harder than ever and Zoe became caretaker to the family. In order to make ends meet Crystal opened a beauty salon in her home. Zoe worked there with her on a daily basis while minding the children. Zoe eventually meets a falls in love with a local rich boy and becomes pregnant. The boy's family accuses Zoe of terrible things and leave Zoe to fend for herself. Her only compensation is a check for $5,000. Zoe moved out of her town and eventually out of West Virginia altogether. Zoe lands in a town in Pennsylvania named Pleasant Valley.