Jitterbug Perfume
What is the author's style in Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins?

The story of Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins is told in the third person. Most of the point of view is determined by the character. For example, Alobar doesn't want to die because his hair is starting to turn grey. He works out a deception with one of his wives that allows him to escape being put to death. Several times during the course of the book, Alobar flees from an area before he is put to death. They have to move every fifteen or twenty years because the neighbors begin to notice that they don't age. This many not seem like much until one realizes that Alobar is over one thousand years old.
Tom Robbins is a well known author who has written several other books. He writes in a humorous fashion and wants his readers to share in the humor of the situation. The book is billed as an epic and a saga as it skips around time with two characters who have obtained immortality. The book is intended to be humorous and it is. The reader wants to know what is going to happen next to the characters and what is the purpose of the beets. Robbins wrote an interesting book that the reader won't want to put down until all of the questions are answered.
Jitterbug Perfume