Jamaica Inn
Does Joss really regret his actions? Why (not)?
Does Joss really regret his actions? Why (not)

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Does Joss really regret his actions? Why (not)
Joss isn't a sympathetic character. He has done a lot of bad things but at least there is a little regret. During his alcoholic binges, Joss is known to talk of the things he has done. It is through one of these alcoholic binges that Mary learns of his murderous ways. It is also through this alcoholic confession that the reader comes to realize that Joss regrets some of what he has done in his life and that he feels as though his family's reputation and his lack of skills have forced him into this way of life. The reader finds some sympathy for Joss Merlyn, but not enough to grieve for a man who would stand on the beach and watch sailors drown.