It's Not Summer Without You
Who is Conrad in the book? Personality? Are there any interesting details about the character? And can u also put the chapter and any quotes about it?

This is only a short answer space so yo will have to look for your quotes. Conrad Fisher is the oldest son of Susannah and the brother of Jeremiah. He grows up spending every summer with his brother, mother, Laurel, Steven, and Belly at the beach house in Cousins. He is an intelligent boy who excels in everything he tries. He is exceptionally talented in math, and he is a magnificent football player, just like his father. His father always encourages him to compete with his younger brother, and always favors Conrad. Conrad looks up to his father and loves impressing him. However, in the first book in the series, Conrad learns that his mother has cancer and that his father has been cheating on her. This infuriates Conrad and causes him to withdraw into himself. He quits football and spends most of his time in his room not talking to anyone.