Ishi: Last of His Tribe
How is the Stranger who visits Ishi different from the other saldu he has met?

One of the most obvious differences between the Stranger and the other saldu that Ishi has encountered is that the Stranger has some knowledge of Ishi's language. He uses notes and makes notes in order to have a conversation with Ishi. In appearance, his clothes are not sloppy as the saldu clothes with which Ishi is familiar, and he does not carry any weapons. He seems to be cleaner and more polite than the men he has observed in the past. He also understands some of Ishi's ways and does not expect him to assimilate to the saldu customs. Ishi also observes that the stranger does not smell as bad as the other saldu he has met. The Stranger gives Ishi the opportunity to speak about all of the issues weighing on his mind and makes him rethink his beliefs about the saldu.