Ishi: Last of His Tribe
How have Ishi and Mother's lives changed since the disappearance of Elder Uncle and Tushi?

Since the disappearance of Elder Uncle and Tushi, and their move from the cave to the fishing shelter, Ishi and Mother have had to start their lives over in many ways. Their food stores have been stolen, so Ishi hunts, fishes, and gathers each day to feed him and Mother. All of their cooking baskets have also been taken, so they must cook in the water basket. Ishi is also trying to tend to his duties by using inferior equipment. The only knife he has is broken and dull, so cutting meat is a difficult task. Mother grinds acorns using plain rocks rather than grinding rocks, so the acorn meal is coarse and uneven. As for preparing for the winter, they are starting over. Mother has to make a new cape in order to keep warm, piece-by-piece as Ishi brings her hides and feathers. Being separated from the cave and all of their possessions force Ishi and Mother to rebuild their lives as best as they can.